Sunday, April 05, 2009


ola amigos.
im so hyped up.
so, i just finished readin amira's blog.
and now im ROFLMAO-ing like shit!
seed stuff. (x

ahh, chatting with amin right now.
talking bout birthdays.
since his is on tha 1st and mines on tha 5th
so yeah? -_-

ooh, now im chatting with avery
and hes asking me to play Pet Society?
i mean, wthell is tht bro? :O

gahh, im waiting for amira to come backkkkk!
i wanna tell her that i found a coffee bean in my wallet (:
*cepatan mandi Am!! gue udah capek nunggu elu!
damn, my indonness still sucks. :P

oh well, i'll update again later.
tata teetee tootoo.

M (:
Didz has been molested :O